Wecome to the Athol High School Scholarship Association Website

The purpose of this non-profit organization is to provide financial assistance to qualified graduates of Athol High School who attend institutions of higher learning. Feel free to browse the site by clicking on the buttons above. Click on the 'Contributors' button to view or print the most recent version of the permanent contributors booklet. Click on the "Recipients' button for a list of the most recent award recipients. Click on the 'Annual Letter' button to view the annual letter and a list of members of the AHS Scholarship Association. Click on the 'Applications' button to print a scholarship application form. Click on the 'Contact Us' button to request class lists and mailing labels or to update a name or a change of address. To access the website of our alma mater, dear old A.H.S., click on the 'Athol High School' button. To contribute through PayPal, click on the "Donate" button. Contributions are tax deductible and are always welcome. Checks made payable to AHS Scholarship Association can be mailed to P.O. Box 338 Athol MA 01331-0338.