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William Caldwell '08



Cynthia Wright Hughes ’85

Vice President


Michael Burnham '75



Diane Maga Page ’82




Debra Barrett Ellis ‘76

Gina Oro Maroni ‘92

Kenneth A. Vaidulas '65



Dan Bevis '00

Lynn MacDonald Brooks ‘76

Alan Bowers ‘55

Christopher Casella ‘77

William B. Chiasson ‘71

Benjamin Ellis '04

Josh Gabrenas '08

Bethany Armentrout Hager '11

Robert Hughes ‘83

Martin J. Miarecki ‘83

Richard M. Plotkin ‘53

Nancy Burnham Watson ‘83

Douglas Kaczmarczyk '99

Cynthia May Savoy '72

Debra Alger Vescovi '73

Josh Talbot '03

Ann Phillips-Roberts 

Spring, 2023


Dear AHS Alumni:


Over the years we have been able to help thousands of students in their educational journey.  I send this letter to seek your support for graduates of Athol High School. Your assistance greatly helps our ability to provide valuable funds to the graduates.


Online donations are always an option. To donate please visit our website, or donate via mail to Athol High School Scholarship Association, PO Box 338, Athol, MA 01331. 


In 2022, 28 people joined the list of permanent contributors and 40 added to their total contributions to bring them to a new level of recognition. In all, 246 alumni contributed. To become a permanent contributor, you must make a minimum one-time donation of $100. You may also consider the Scholarship Association in estate planning as well. Total contributions in 2022 were $90,606, an increase of more than $20,000 from last year.


Last year, we assisted 37 students in furthering their educational goals by awarding $93,250 in scholarships. We continued two new scholarships for graduates and post-graduates that offer a $5,000 scholarship. We were able to help every student that fully completed an application and maintained full time status thanks to your contributions.


If you are planning a reunion for your class, please contact our Treasurer, Diane Maga Page, at dineyp82@msn.con or by clicking on the “Contact Us” tab on the website. She can provide class lists, mailing labels and other suggestions. In return, we hope that you can help us update our database by providing updated names and addresses of alumni to better contact them.  


The Association meets the first Tuesday of May to set Association policy and upcoming financial awards. If you are interested in joining, feel free to contact any member or visit the website. To close, I would like encourage the alumni of Athol High School to help us continue our missions of support for those currently enrolled in higher education programs.





William J. Caldwell ‘08


Copyright 2014 Athol High School Scholarship Association

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